A feature-to-grid data converter, to show feature's properties in grid-like system.




  • Takes an array of OpenLayers features and converts them into a grid data object, where each feature is mapped by its ID as the key.


    • features: Feature<Geometry>[]

    Returns GridDataById

    The grid data objects, by id.

  • This method finds the indexes of empty columns in a given 2D array.


    • data: unknown[][]

      The 2D array to search for empty columns.

    Returns number[]

    An array of indexes representing the empty columns.

  • Parameters

    • feature: Feature<Geometry>

    Returns string

    The ID of the feature or 'UNKNOWN' if undefined.

  • Removes empty columns (columns and data) from a given gridData object. It's expected that all features in the gridData have the same properties.


    Returns void