

activeBasemap: null | Basemap = null
basemaps: Record<number, Basemap> = {}
extendedState: Record<string, object> = {}
globe: GlobeConfig = ...
infobox: { elements: InfoBoxContent[] } = ...
infoWindow: InfoWindow = ...
interface: GraphicalInterface = ...
isOffline: boolean = false
language: null | string = null
layers: LayersConfig = ...
lidar: Lidar = ...
loading: boolean = false
mouseCoordinates: number[] = []
oauth: LoginState = ...
ogcServers: Record<string, ServerOgc> = {}
position: MapPosition = ...
print: PrintConfig = ...
projection: string
selection: Selection = ...
sharedStateIsLoaded: null | boolean = null
theme: null | Theme = null
themes: ThemesConfig = ...

This class is a used as the state of the application, which will be accessed behind a javascript proxy. This means that each modification made to its properties must come from outside, because they have to be made through the proxy, so that the modification can be listen. Therefore, this class must not contain any method which is updating a value directly For example, any method doing < = value> is forbidden here, because the modification be known from the proxy

treeview: TreeviewConfig = ...