Hierarchy (View Summary)







activeTooltips: any[] = []
callbacks: Callback[] = []
componentManager: ComponentManager
configManager: ConfigManager
crossSectionState: CrossSectionState
darkFrontendMode: boolean = false
displayStyle?: string
domainLinestring: Feature<LineString>
domainLineStringLayer: VectorLayer<VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>>
domainLinestringSource: VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>
drawInteraction: Draw
i18nManager: I18nManager
iconStyle: Style = ...
linesLayer: VectorLayer<VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>>
linestring: Feature<LineString>
linestringLength: number = 0.0
linestringSource: VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>
markersTable: null | HTMLTableElement = null
measurementsTable: null | HTMLTableElement = null
modifyInteraction: Modify
name: string
parser: any = ...
pointer: Feature<Point>
pointerLayer: VectorLayer<VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>>
pointerSource: VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>
points: Feature<Point>[]
pointsLayer: VectorLayer<VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>>
pointsSource: VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>
polygon: Feature<Polygon>
polygonLayer: VectorLayer<VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>>
polygonSource: VectorSource<Feature<Geometry>>
rendered: boolean = false
shadow: ShadowRoot
stateManager: StateManager
styleUrl: null | string = null
styleUrls: string[] = ...
template: Hole | () => Hole
templateUrl: string = './template.html'
timeoutId?: Timeout
visible: boolean = false



  • Deserialize an element and set the current element state to the deserialized one


    • _serializedElement: unknown

      The element serialization as returned by the serialize method

    Returns void

  • Parameters

    • parentNodeName: string
    • elem: null | Node
    • initialElem: null | Node = elem

    Returns null | Node

  • Convert the string in parameter with uHtml and return it. This allows to convert a string with html in a right html object. For example, htmlUnsafe('

    ') will return an html div object.


    • str: string

    Returns Hole

  • In the templates, sometimes for accessibility reasons, we have to support the KeyDown Event In those case, we often juste want to do the same as the click event when Enter or Space is pressed Then this method can be used : it just calls the click event on the same element


    • e: KeyboardEvent

    Returns void