Class representing a Mapfish Print Encoder.
Encodes an image layer from a WMS layer object.
The encoded image layer or null if the layer is not visible.
Encodes a layer object according to it's className and options.
A promise that resolves to an array of MFP layers, a single MFP layer, or null.
Encode layers recursively.
a list of Mapfish print layer specs for the given layers.
Encodes a local file layer.
The encoded local file layer or null if the layer is not visible.
Encodes the map options, notably the map state and the ol map into a top-level MFPMap object.
A Promise that resolves with the encoded map object.
Encode special layers, meaning not-in-the-layer-tree layers. These layers are from the mapManager.getLayersToPrint method.
An array of encodedlayers.
Encodes a WMTS layer into a MFPWmtsLayer or MFPImageLayer object.
The encoded layer object, or null if the layer is not visible.
Encodes a WMS layer from a WMTS layer.
The encoded WMS layer or null if the ogcServer is missing.
An array of all active layers from the state object in the right order
The flattened array of base layers.
Sets the options for encoding the map.