Independent manager to display a mask layer adapted to the print. Listen to print events to auto setup.
Sets the possible scales to fit the mask/view to.
Sets the resolution of the map view to the optimal resolution for a given scale.
Calculates the optimal resolution for printing a map based on the provided parameters.
The size of the map in meters.
The size of the map to be printed in dots.
The scale at which the map should be printed.
The optimal resolution for printing the map.
Calculates the optimal scale for printing a map based on the map size, resolution, desired print size, and available map scales.
The size of the map in meters. Expressed as an array [width, height].
The resolution of the map in meters per pixel.
The desired size of the printed map in inches. Expressed as an array [width, height].
The available map scales.
The optimal scale for printing the map or -1 if any.