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GeoGirafe has permalink parameters used to manage map position and some extra options. This allow to load the project to a specific location and zoom, as well that manage tooltip and cross-hair features. Position x, y, and zoom will change with the user moves in or out, and pan the map.

The following parameters are implemented:

map_xX coordinate in the local projectionfalsenumber
map_yY coordinate in the local projectionfalsenumber
map_zoomZoom level of the mapfalsenumber
map_crosshairDisplay or not a crosshair at map centertrueboolean
map_tooltipDisplay a tooltip text at map centertruestring

map_x, map_y, map_zoom

The default values of theses parameters are configured in the map.startZoom and map.startPosition configuration to set the OpenLayers view. The values for x and y are in the local projection set in map.srid.


This parameter use the "selection" color present in the user config panel. It's possible to change it selecting appriopriate color there.

Crosshair color