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Geogirafe uses the i18next internationalization framework to translate user interface elements.

The i18n attribute in html elements is a reference to a variable in the i18n translation files located in the src/assets/i18n/ folder. In the preconfigured instance we are using, there are 4 files with the core translations: de.json (German), en.json (English), fr.json (French), it.json (Italian). Additional local or remote translation files can be included as needed.

To access translation variables (in component.ts or template.html), Geogirafe also provides a I18nManager class with a getTranslation() method, e.g.:


The list of translations and source files must be configured in public/config.json, e.g.:

"languages": {
"translations": {
"de": ["i18n/de.json", "i18n/custom-translation-de.json"],
"en": ["i18n/en.json"],
"fr": ["i18n/fr.json", ""],
"it": ["i18n/it.json"]
"defaultLanguage": "en"

See the documentation on Configuration for more details.